Where have all the good people gone?

If you’ve tried recruiting a new hire lately, then chances are like singer-songwriter Sam Roberts you find yourself asking “Where have all the good people gone?” Recent figures from The National Skills Commission show that more than half of recruiting employers are finding it difficult to fill vacancies, with that number increasing to over 60 […]

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The 3 Stages of Successful Onboarding

What is onboarding? Onboarding refers to the process of integrating a new employee into an organisation to the point where they become an effective member of that organisation. Many people think of onboarding as the first day induction or orientation but it goes way beyond just getting the necessary documents in order. Successful onboarding includes

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The True Cost of Recruitment

“WE TRULY BELIEVE THAT USING A RECRUITMENT AGENCY IS A MORE COST-EFFECTIVE WAY OF HIRING STAFF”. The most common reason we hear from businesses about why they don’t want to use a recruitment company is how much it will cost. We understand; we really do. In the current economic climate, everyone is watching what they

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How hiring temporary staff through HB Group, saves employers time and money

With Scott Morrison saying that Australia is “not too far away” from relaxing the Coronavirus restrictions, you may be starting to think about what business is going to look like once that happens. Maybe you had to downsize your team and now you’re worried if you’ll have enough resources when business starts to pick up

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Cultural Holiday Considerations in the Workplace

As people become more globalised, workplace diversity is on the increase. It is becoming more common that cultural holidays vary among employees. As employers welcome and encourage diversity, consideration must be given to the needs of a multicultural workforce and flexible leave entitlements. The Christmas holiday season is looming and many employees are looking forward

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